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Upper GI Endoscopy

Investigating Food Pipe & Stomach

Upper GI endoscopy is a procedure that allows us to examine the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach & first part of small intestine (duodenum).

UGI Endoscopy should be done in any patient who has either difficulty in swallowing food or liquids, patients with pain abdomen which changes with food intake or someone who has passed black stools. It is simple procedure which takes 3-5 minutes, can be done with or without anaesthesia. 
It also allows us to take biopsies from suspected lesions & remove polyps with endoscope.


Dr. Manav Wadhawan is one of the leading Hepatologists in the country. He heads the Hepatology division at BLK group of Hospitals. He has been previously instrumental in establishing a very successful Liver Transplant program in Indraprastha Apollo & Fortis Escorts Hospital.

Dr Manav Wadhawan has been promoting free education & research in liver disease through an NGO called SPARE LIVER TRUST

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